Written on 06.04 by Andriawan Syahrul Azhar

Kelompok X
Agam Plawira Putra (20211298)
Aldi Mora Daud (20211546)
Andriawan (28211296)
Arianto Hidayat (21211089)
Rezza Hari (26211078)

Penulis: Hans Kartikahadi

Penyunting: Leo Paramadita G.

Penerbit: PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer, 2010

Di sepanjang masa, profesi akuntan publik memang akan selalu menghadapi tantangan. Profesi guru di Indonesia pun menghadapi tantangan yang tidak kalah beratnya dan bahkan dapat dikatakan sebagai profesi yang paling merana. Saya telah menjalankan kedua profesi tersebut dengan penuh kecintaan, dan jika ada yang bertanya: “Apa yang ingin Anda sampaikan tentang perjalanan karier anda sebagai akuntan setelah pensiun?”, maka saya akan menjawab: “Saya tidak pernah menyesal telah memilih jalan karier sebagai akuntan publik dan akuntan pendidik.”

Buku ini merupakan sebuah memoar yang berisi tentang perjalanan hidup dari seorang Hans Kartikahadi dalam meraih semua cita-citanya dan perjalanan kariernya. Memoar ini ditulis atas permintaan dan anjuran dari beberapa sahabat dan kolega untuk berbagi pengalaman dalam mengejar karier sebagai seorang akuntan.


Written on 01.54 by Andriawan Syahrul Azhar


Puterin lagu yang anda request
Permohonan atau permintaan
One information insane muda
One Information
Satu Informasi
Tapi sebelumnya you guys.
You guys
Play list lagu-lagu terbaru
Play list
Daftar putaran lagu
Jason Miraz chart posisi tertinggi
Bintang tamu special
Ayo listener makanya cepetan bangun pagi
Oh My God gue ga nyangka
Oh My God
Oh Tuhan
Ya kembali lagi with me Gege
With Me
Dengan Saya
Hallo stay cool and lovely dengan siapa ini?
Stay Cool and Lovely
Tetep Keren dan Cantik

Tugas Sosfkill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2(2) : Tugas Individu

Written on 09.37 by Andriawan Syahrul Azhar

Report of  Tigers

Every body know tigers especially in thier wildness of hunting instincts and skill for survival and their extinction. The habitats of tigers are in  Asia, Siberia and India. And the habitats of the tigers in each place is decrease every year, like we found in India where there are less than 3500 tigers in wild around of which 1411 are in India with its habitat falling by over 50% in last 30 years. Globally tigers occupy less than 7% of their historical geographical landscape.

Tigers are one of the biggest among the 37 species of cats in the world today. Tigers have very sharp teeth and very powerful claws to catch thier food such as deers, zebras, even buffaloes and other animals to be able to survie. Althoug tigers placed in the highest rank of predators but they also has a predator except a human. The predator of the tigers is a lion. Lions do not eat the tigers but just kill them to erase rivaly in catching their target. Tigers have big mouths and also have big gums. Tigers have piericing yellow eyes that glown in the dark that are used to hunting their food in the night.

Comment :
Tiger, or the king of the forest is the most endangered animals. Among the five types of tigers surviving in the world, the Sumatran tiger is the last remaining island races from three other races that previously existed in Indonesia. Bali tiger have become extinct due to hunting in the late 1940s, and certainly extinct Java tiger late 1980s. So, in Java and Bali, the tiger is just a fairy tale. I think we should all be keeping tigers from poachers par threats that wild tigers can still be together and make us see tigers endangered animals.

Sources :

explains the cooperation between different companies state

Written on 08.24 by Andriawan Syahrul Azhar

A.    Company Identity

Company Name                      : PT. Meleng Molong Tbk
Form of Company                   : Comanditter
Type of Company                   : Garment Industry
Address Company                  : Jl. Deposito No. 18, South of Jakarta
Telephone Number                  : (021) 375209
Fax Number                            : (021) 375683
NPWP                                     :  01.136.545.9-541
SIUP                                       :  No. 42/12-05/PB/IX/1990
SIUI                                        :  No. 134/IZ/A/12/IX/1992
Company Registration            : No. 21345675490
Place of Business License       : No. 33221166775
Sign Permit Interference         : 132/TSB/TYU54/OSB
Brand Certificate                    : 320/TYY/767/III/2003
Bank                                        : Bank Mandiri

B.     Result product

Our garment company is one of the best in Indonesia, the company produces a wide range of semi-finished materials quality
·      Sppining          : 1200 Spindels – 980 bal/month
·      Weaving          : AJL184, ISL116 Conventional – 800.000 meters/month
·      Utility              : Boiler – 15 ton/H
 Generators – 2543 KVA
 Waste water treatment – 89.000 ton/month

C.     Location and Layout Company
PT. Meleng Molong in carrying out a trade and making the cloth to achieve the mission and be appointed , therefore, the company operates there are two places
·         Deposito street 6A (18) South Jakarta as an office, factory or galleries and art shops, With a land area of 1,231 m2 and building area of ​​1,300 m2 (2nd)

We have a company named PT. Molong Tbk completes the berlokasikan on the outskirts of the capital Jakarta . in the operations of this company we are working with foreign companies located in Singapore, called PT. Apaajabole Tbk to benefit and promote the business
We run this company for 5 years and produce the garment material will then be sent to PT. Apaajabole Tbk then reduced finished goods such as adult clothing, children's clothing and so on. Our work together has been more than 3 years, our business relationship very well, every year we get a huge advantage since teamed up with the Singapore-based company.

Early start as we get clients who demand rapid influx of free trade in our country. Free trade is a lot of innovative companies in producing material into clothing. From the start everyday wear to formal wear. Company made several modifications to the material be a good outfit to create consumer interest to buy it

Our garment company domiciled in Indonesia do forms of cooperation with foreign companies, which aims to get the most profit and promote the best quality materials that we've got to give the appeal of the company to cooperate. not easy to cooperate with foreign companies because a lot of competitors

First, entrepreneurship is usually difficult for the early start. People become difficult to start a business as a way of thinking. There is nothing positive thinking and negative thinking. The characteristics of the negative thinking is not attractive, not salable, poor quality, while failure and loss characteristics of the positive thinking is exciting products, special quality, the buyer is satisfied, successful and profitable. This way of thinking will decide to start a business and to keep adding to persevere

In entrepreneurship there are several aspects that determine the success or failure of a business carried on. Among aspects of the capital, the management and marketing. Capital can be from a variety of ways such as by capital that we have personally or by borrowing. Therefore, it is needed a partnership or a good social relationships in entrepreneurship. Because sometimes in entrepreneurship we can not start itself either because of lack of money, resources, and creativity. Therefore, a partnership is needed and is one of the important aspects in entrepreneurship. As for the management or management and marketing would be better if we master it even further as an entrepreneur, as an aspect of management and marketing aspects play an important role.

Tugas Bahasa Indonesia 2 (4) : Tugas Personal

Written on 19.43 by Andriawan Syahrul Azhar

Tugas Bahasa Indonesia 2 (4) : Tugas Personal



Selama ini banyak pengguna NAPZA ingin melepaskan diri dari ketergantungan. Kehidupan
yang mereka alami telah dikendalikan oleh narkoba, sehingga NAPZA membuat kehidupan mereka
menjadi tidak bermakna. Keinginan yang kuat untuk berhenti menggunakan NAPZA dari dalam diri
sangat diperlukan agar tidak kembali terjerumus. Mereka mencoba mencari apa arti kehidupan yang
bermakna tanpa menggunakan NAPZA dan berusaha menemukan kembali makna hidup yang hilang.
Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan seorang
menjadi pengguna NAPZA, untuk mengetahui gambaran makna hidup pada mantan pengguna NAPZA.
Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam
penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik wawancara dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh
bahwa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan subjek menjadi pengguna NAPZA adalah aspek psikologis, faktor
obat atau zat, hubungan keluarga dan pengaruh teman sedangkan gambaran makna hidup pada mantan
pengguna NAPZA adalah ketika masih menggunakan NAPZA subjek merasa dirinya sudah tidak berarti
dan setelah subjek lepas dari NAPZA subjek merasa lebih dekat dengan Tuhan (religius), dan subjek juga
merasa Tuhan telah mengabulkan semua doa dan keinginannya. Selain itu, subjek juga merasa putus asa,
hampa dan banyak perasaan negatif karena subjek tidak mempunyai teman dan tidak bisa mendapatkan
sesuatu yang subjek inginkan. Dan subjek merasa pernikahannya merupakan hal yang bermakna dalam
merubah kehidupannya menjadi lebih baik.
Kata kunci : Makna hidup, mantan pengguna NAPZA